Unwritten Rules of Real Estate

As I say on my Radio Show, its about the right vehicle. You can create wealth for you and your family for years to come through both long and short term investing . My 5 year building wealth program is about having a plan as you will learn my secrets and insight from over 30 years of real estate investing. This site makes available to you our video series available for purchase in easy to follow terms.
You can also sign up as a Critical Coaching Member to receive education and training offered as a monthly plan.
This site is appropriate for the seasoned real estate investor, someone who is looking at investing not intended for consumers looking to purchase as home as their primary residence.
Video Series
Taking your future to the next level
We offer one on one guidance and education on real estate. We also have videos for purchase to help with this process.
A new Instruction program will be detailed soon.
We can assess your goals and discuss what type of membership could help in your efforts to be a successful real estate investor. We network you with Realtors who know the real estate investing market.
We can help with part of the process or the entire process, it's up to YOU.
The best investment strategy for YOU.
Learn the difference between income property and future value properties.
Establish a budget
Know your limitations on your first flip.
Develop staying power and an exit strategy.
You will learn to create a plan with the required due diligence, the right team of professionals, and more. Building real estate assets will allow you to build the greatest amount of wealth during your lifetime.
The key is to make sure from the very beginning that you have what we call the “staying power” to absorb the up’s and the downs of the real estate market.
Video Series: We have broken out the 5 year building wealth into a video series for you to purchase and listen to in the leisure of your own home.
If you have questions on the videos or the Critical Coaching Membership Plan, please email Kristen at kristen.rawan14@gmail.com.